April 5 - 30, 2023
Opening Reception: Friday, April 7, 6-8 pm
Closing Reception: Sunday, April 30, 2-5 pm
Lesley Cohen: “Light Matters”
Elizabeth Strasser: “Some Other Country”
Lesley Cohen: “Release,” 28” x 35”, charcoal and pastel, 2023
Lesley Cohen: “Light Matters”
It’s been a year of recovery for all of us. Two solid years of our holding back, thinking twice. Then gradually, last spring, folks began leaving their safe cocoons, coming out of their pandemic-era lockdowns and returning to the world outside. I know we are not out of the woods yet. There are always risks. Despite all of the challenges that we currently face, when we veer off our usual routes, we can reap rewards. We will only appreciate the possibilities when we venture out, wander, and explore the world in ways we’ve avoided far too long.
This series of drawings serve as a metaphor for the new possibilities of joy that can be received as we re-enter and re-engage with the world outside. The world is generously reopening its magical portal for us in shimmering waves that surprise and delight. The inspirational effects can be almost breathtaking and we can rejoice in finally being able to attend. And as we reemerge, the light enters. We have plenty to celebrate. Let the magic begin.
Starting April 12, Lesley will be presenton Wednesdays from 1-4 pm and by appt.
Elizabeth Strasser: “Turn Back,” oil on panel, 20”x 16”, 2022; “Crossing,” mixed stoneware clay, 17”x 6.5”, 2021
Elizabeth Strasser: “Some Other Country”
These paintings evolved from a sense of unease, bred by recent events. The paintings do not present a particular memory or scenario but an emotional response, a reaction to a sense of disbelief and dislocation. The paintings were curative, a remedy for and revelation of the essence of my lived experience.
In the paintings an atmospheric landscape surrounds a naked or mysteriously cloaked figure. Their backs are turned away from the viewer, the faces obscured. Each figure stands alone or in ambiguous relation to another figure. The locations are unspecified. This is “some other country” – a country seen in dreams.
The ceramic pieces function as a further exploration of the paintings. With special emphasis on surfaces, the vessels were created by forming, carving and adding clay pieces and mineral additives. They carry the emotional intensity formed by the mysterious ceramic alchemy of earth, water and fire.
Starting April 13, Elizabeth will be present on Thursdays from 1-4 pm.