August 5 - 21, 2022
Opening Reception: Friday, August 5, 6-8 pm
A Juried Exhibition of New England ARtists
What does it mean for art to bear witness? Featured is artwork from the abstract to the literal, that testifies about issues from the personal to political, and everything in between. WITNESS highlights art that provokes, illuminates, questions.
Christopher Sullivan: “Francisco's Follies,” oil on canvas, 40” x 30”
Featured Artists
Bayda Asbridge
Dina Belyayeva
Amina Burgess
Jocelyn Chemel
Lindsay Demers:
J.S. Dykes
Kata Hull
Nancy Jenner
Zoe Neale
Julia & Tim Purinton
Gregory S. Rogers
Benjamin Sears
Alan Shulman
Sharon Stanczak
Jozef Staska
Christopher Sullivan
Tereza Swanda
Eileen F Taylor
Lei Zong
Gail Zwerling